Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Last Week in Hannover

It's our last week here. I've got lots to do, but I also want to take time to enjoy our last week here. We had some neighbors from the Leibnizhaus over for dinner last night and got to hear about their trip to Ireland, Scotland, and England. We're so grateful for the many people we've gotten to know in these 5 months, and we hope we'll keep in touch.

Yesterday when I was fretting about my interview, I decided to take a break and ride out to see the Stadtpark (city park). I ride by it often on the way to and from choir practice in Kleefeld, but I'm either in a hurry to get there or coming back at 9:30 p.m. when it's closed. I also wanted to take some pictures of stuff I pass on my ride every Monday night. So here's my ride. There is a big crossroads at Agidientorplatz with a complicated traffic system. I like these windsocks on the traffic island in the middle.
Aegidientorplatz Windsocks
Man & Dog Statue in front of the Vet School
Dancing Seeds
Panzerdivision 1956 (Panzer=tank) in front of military building
Bike path in front of Stadtpark: My bike is the first one with the white seat.
The copper dome of the Congress Center- and Concert Hall is distinctive. The city park was not spectacular, but pleasant. One thing I liked was that there were lots of movable lawn chairs, and people scattered around reading, drawing, sunbathing, talking. Lots of fountains. There was a Japanese garden and a garden behind a hedge that turned out to be for nude sunbathing.
Congress Center from Stadtpark
I've seen several of these large chess sets, but this is the first time I've seen people seriously playing chess with one. There were 2 large ones and 4 groups of men playing at tables nearby.
Playing Chess, Stadtpark
I always like riding through the arches of this old gate. The bike path is just some arrows and dotted lines on the ground.
Bike path through old gate in front of the Music, Theatre, & Media Academy
I've passed this strange building many times and always wondered what it was. Someone told me that it was a synagogue. Yesterday I took my bike around to the back and found out it is a lecture hall for the doctors' organization. 
Mystery Building
Chandelier hanging over the street in front of the Künstlerhaus (Artist House)
City Opera House
This is a memorial on the square by the opera house to the Jews of Hannover. It has 1,935 names beside the camps to which each was deported and the day of their deaths. A pretty tower is framed in the background. Apparently, there was a lot of controversy about this memorial, erected in 1994.
Memorial for the Jews of Hannover, Opernplatz

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