Thursday, February 7, 2013

Kayaking in Abel Tasman National Park, north side of the South Island

We spent a day kayaking in Abel Tasman Nat’l Park, paddling around 2 islands and stopping at several golden beaches, picnicking near an adolescent seal on Adele Island, watching shearwaters skim along the ocean, and admiring sailboats. This was something I'd daydreamed about for quite a long time, which sometimes means that one is disappointed when the experience doesn't live up to one's daydreams. But all day long I felt like I was in my best daydream of this place: clear, aquamarine water, perfect temperature, empty beaches, Winslow Homer-like white sails against blue sky and water. A little scary kayking through the big waves outside the island.
Our rental kayak on the beach, Adele Island in the background
Stopping by a stream on the way to Abel Tasman from Westport
We arrived at Abel Tasman in the afternoon and hiked part of the coastal track that winds along the cliffs and beaches before renting a kayak the morning. 
The sea is very calm, since Abel Tasman is located on a big Tasman bay sheltered from the huge west-coast ocean waves. Idyllic.
View from the Abel Tasman Coastal Track
Exploring some caves along the beach

Fern unfurling in the "bush" along the trail
Split Apple Rock

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