Sunday, February 24, 2013

2nd Day in Seam Reap, Cambodia

After our big day seeing as much of Angkor Wat as we could, we spent a quieter day around Seam Reap. Our tuktuk driver drove us out to a local temple and we walked around the city park to see the bats. In the afternoon Rich and Peter paid for a birdwatching guide while Ruth and I explored the local market and went swimming in the hotel pool. I love to visit grocery stores and markets and try new fruits and vegetables.
New and old temple south of town
Flying Foxes in the trees in the Royal Gardens
Buying rambutans from a bicycle vendor
Market vendor selling fish and clams
Mushrooms and vegetables for sale
Kids tending chili and vegetable stall
Man weaving fishing net, local market
Delivery wagon pulled by a motorcycle
Street vendor selling spiced clams
Tangled electricity and telephone wires downtown

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