Saturday, February 2, 2013

Karitane to Christchurch: Shag Point, Kaiki Lighthouse ( yellow-eyed penguins), Moeraki Boulder beach, Timaru art gallery

We left Karitane to drive north along the coast to Christchurch. We drove to the lighthouse at Shag Point to try to see penguins. There were signs warning not to get within 10 feet of the penguins to avoid disturbing them, but the penguins hadn't read the signs and got closer than that to us. We saw several cute pairs very close to the walking trail out to the point and down to the beach. 
Kaiki Lighthouse 
Yellow-eyed Penguins
We almost passed up the Moeraki Boulders, but we're glad we stopped. Nothing seemed to be too touristy or crowded, although there were other people on the beach, but nothing in New Zealand was anything close to crowded. One Kiwi told us that if a New Zealander told us that if he sees someone on a beach, he just drives on to the next one. So perhaps a local would have found it too full of people.
Moerarki Boulders
Rich with one of the boulders
Some were cracked open with tidepools inside: nice starfish

A long drive to get to Christchurch, trying not to stop. We stopped to gawk at the Steampunk Museum in Oamamaru and stretched our legs by walking through the free art museum at Timaru.

Steampunk Museum

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