Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Green places in Hannover (provided by the Grünflächenamt) und Kleingärten (small garden plots)

The bicycle paths in Hannover take us through lots of lovely green areas in the midst of the city. The Eilenriede is 1,600 acres of forest in the middle of Hannover, twice as big as Central Park. We read a sign that said that it was established in the 30s by the Grünflächenamt, which means the Office of Green Spaces. Who knew there was a government office just for that? Anyway, it's lovely, especially now that the trees are leafing out and the forest floor is covered with wildflowers.
Eilenriede Forest Floor Covered with Anemones (Windröschen=wind roses)

Most Germans live in apartments that they either own or rent, but many spend a lot of time digging their own little plots of land on the weekends in colonies of Kleingärten (small gardens) scattered all over the city. These colonies are surrounded by fences and have little walkways with street signs between the plots. Each small plot has a gate with an address and a small shed or house at the back. I used to see these from the trains and thought that people lived in these miniature houses, but they are just for storing garden tools or small dining rooms opening onto a porch.
4 Kleingärten Plots with Sheds
Garden Gate, Kleingarten
As I was taking a picture of this gate, a man came out and invited me to come look around. He said he's gardened the same plot for 50 years and, now that he's retired, he comes every day. He knows his neighbors there and his family celebrates birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays with barbeque parties. He even has a fireplace inside so that they can be there on Christmas day.Some gardens have lots of little statues, windmills, or garden gnomes. His had more than one of just about every such thing.
Digging Dog Statue
Rich gets to bicycle every day down this long alley of trees that leads from downtown out to the Herrenhäuser Gärten, the baroque gardens that belong to the palace.
Alley of Trees


  1. Rich's commute looks fabulous!

  2. I especially love tree-lined avenues - this will give me even more motivation for my ACSP paper so I can come see it in person!
