Monday, March 18, 2013

1st Weekend in Hannover: Sunday: Church, Grasdorf, Bach's St. John's Passion

Sun. as we got off the streetcar for church it started to snow again. So beautiful. The church has a picture window on one side and it was a pleasure to look out at the whirling snow. We had bought a day pass on the streetcar line in order to go out and visit a nature center, but during lunch it was snowing so hard we wondered whether to go. In the end, we didn't want to waste the ticket, so we went. We got off the sbahn at a small village (Grasdorf=grass village) on the edge of town with the snow coming down fast. Beautiful old houses and a church. We walked through deserted streets, on a path beside a church to the nature center. Rich had called ahead to make sure it was open, and the man greeted us and was eager to tell us about the pair of storks that just started nesting and then were caught by the return of winter. We walked along a river and saw the stork nest, but I think the storks decided to fly south again. They can fly 800 km a day, so why wouldn't they opt for Spain or Africa over this snow? They have radio trackers on three pairs and he said the laziest one wintered in Spain and one (a female) wintered in South Africa. We saw beaver houses, lapwings, wagtails, and a hawk. The snow stopped for our walk, but pretty cold.
Grasdorf Church
Bauernhof (Farm courtyard), Grasdorf 
Fence & Brickwork, Grasdorf
Beaver Houses, walk in the Laatzen nature center near Grasdorf
Stork statue, Nature Center
We took the streetcar back into town and walked over to another church for another concert: Bach's St. John's Passion with an orchestra playing historical wooden instruments. Lovely. I was frozen by the end and glad to come home to our nice, warm apt. We have a calendar for concerts in the churches and there are concerts every day, a lot over Easter.

The L'Abri branch for Germany happens to be in Hannover, so I sent an email and we got invited after Easter to meet the people who run it. I'm going to try  an Offener Singkreis (open singing group) at the Lutheran women's organization on Wed. and sent an email off to someone who runs an English-speaking Bible study at an international church. I also sent an email out to a book group. We'll see. I'd appreciate your prayers as I think about what to do with myself. I did enjoy a lazy day just reading Thurs., but I want to do more than that.

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