Thursday afternoon I rode out to the Music, Theater, and Media Academy to pick up the June/July schedule of concerts. Then I continued on to bike in the Eilenriede, this time just taking whichever paths took my fancy without consulting the map. I figured I'd come out of the forest somewhere and then could figure out where I was and find my way back. It's lovely and green and cool. The paths are muddy, but my bike here has fenders. I had to keep my mouth closed to avoid swallowing gnats. The paths cross bridges and there are clearings with ponds, playgrounds, restaurants, ice cream stands, and beer gardens. I came to a deserted clearing with a labyrinth with a big tree in the middle and decided to walk the labyrinth. In my experience, labyrinths look sort of silly from the outside, and I always feel a bit self-conscious. But they offer a way to slow down and be in the moment. It's obvious one isn't getting anywhere, but rather just winding around the pattern slowly getting closer to center by the most roundabout route. I'm always tempted to just step over the edging, but it feels like cheating, so I make myself stay on the path. Anyway, I just soaked in the peace of the green, leafy air and offered up prayers for many of the people I love, not asking for anything specific, just holding them up for God's blessing.

Eilenriede Labyrinth
Sign for Labyrinth: Rest (Refreshment) Place - No Dogs!
I'm not sure I agree with this sign. Walks with my dog are definitely a source of refreshment/rejuvenation for me.
I had a similar experience several weeks ago when I rode out to the Annateich (Anna's pond). Halfway round the pond there was a gate to a modern chapel. I parked my bike and went to look. Absolutely gorgeous and peaceful inside with simple wood and windows looking out on the forest. I just stood and soaked in the silence and beauty.
Annateich Chapel Outside
Annateich Chapel
Sandra introduced me to the idea of using quark instead of butter on my bread. I love quark and wish I could buy it back home. It's sort of a cross between sour cream and yogurt. You can buy it with fruit and sugar like yogurt except creamier or buy it plain or buy with green onions and herbs to spread on bread. I've been spreading it on bread and topping it off with sour cherry jam for a treat with afternoon tea. The chocolate ladybug is a birthday present from my recorder orchestra conductor. My treat after my bike ride, though I'm saving the chocolate ladybug. Too pretty to eat.
Quark & Sour Cherry Jam on Bread, Tea, and Chocolate Marienkäfer (Ladybug)
I have also been experimenting with alternative toppings on toast lately! One of my favorites is Greek yogurt with a little mustard, sliced tomatoes, sliced cucumbers, salt, and pepper. I guess that might qualify as enough ingredients to make it an open-faced sandwich. But Greek yogurt with jam on top is another favorite of mine. It would be even better with Quark.